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The 1 Thing You Must Do Before You Get Anything You Want.

And How To Do It...

By Philip Cheatham Dec 15th, 2020

The 1 Thing You Must Do Before You Get Anything You Want: Think about everything you have or maybe even things that you have had in your life. Things you liked, things you enjoyed owning. The things you do. Who you are. Much more importantly, things that were at one point or another out of reach for you. Your current position. Your current mindset. Your current confidence. Maybe the car you drive today. Was there a time that the car you now drive everyday was once unattainable for you? Both of the cars my wife and I drive everyday were at one point unattainable for me. My mindset on so many levels and my confidence was at one point totally unattainable for me. Pretty much all the things I have in my life right now, were at one point just dreams. Just thoughts, daydreams and ideas. Nothing more. Unattainable to me and unrealistic for me to speak about around many people. I may have been laughed at, I was. How did I still manage to attain the things I have now? It's a simple answer, really simple answer. I saw myself with all these things that I have before I had any of them. Every last thing I have. I envisioned it. I daydreamed it. I dreamt it. I even pretended. "Fake it til you make it Phil, huh?" Not exactly. 

Lets go back to the question I asked:

 Was there a time that the car you now drive everyday was once unattainable for you?

Maybe its not your car. It may not even be material. It could be your wife. If so, I can relate there as well. Whatever it is, I promise it didn't just come to you. You manifested it with your mind before it ever materialized in real life. 
It's All Mental. ALL OF IT!
Are we manifesting our lives with our own thoughts? Seems like it to me. That would actually be my best answer. Does that make it easy? When you really contemplate the idea that we manifest everything in our lives within our own minds, it makes life infinitely more complicated, not easier. Gaining control over your own mental state, while the majority of people would claim they have done this, is a fantastical endeavor in real life for any of us. Once you realize your future is in your control, the potential problems you must navigate to control anything in it pile up quickly. We then lose sight of our goals as we create rule after rule we must live by to combat all these external forces in the way of us manifesting what we want with our minds. Too bad we often times forget what we even wanted, because attaining anything can be a long path. Yeah this is way too hard, I'm going to quit writing this article right now, thats it! This is what actually happens. Then we are left with well, what we already have. All the good and the bad.

There is nothing more difficult than controlling your mental state, nothing.

Sure we can control it just enough to get along in this world. But can we optimize it? Of course, many people do optimize their mental states and control them religiously in an effort to get everything they want from life. We see it everyday. Nothing I am writing is new. They all tell us all their little tricks they do to trick their brains into complying and allowing themselves to take the necessary actions to get what they want. I do this constantly. I love sharing how I actually make things happen! An obvious problem when explaining this is that most of us act as if a controlled mental state is a normal everyday thing for people. The truth is those who can control their mental state can control their destinies and I don't see too many people with iron grasps on their own futures. I definitely don't see too many people executing the day dreams they had as children. So we must come to the conclusion that most people don't have superior control of their own mental state. This is something that is rare. This is something we must seek out to learn about because everybody around us for the most part is pretending they have this all under control. Our current life results show us how much we had our mental state under our own control in the past. Our future lives will reflect how much we have our own current mental states under our own control today. The most difficult part about controlling your own mental state is that its a constant effort. There isn't a single dose and bang you're great forever! It's a constant monitoring, changing and even tricking of your own brain to maintain control. It's really freaking hard! Understanding this is important when we live in a world of people with perfectly controlled mental states that can't figure out how to solve most of their problems let alone get what they really want out of life. Mentally though, they are locked and loaded! Just ask them!

You just have the same size fish tank as they do!

This type of thinking is dangerous, when you are confident in it. It naturally infests the people ready for it around you. They will start to believe they can do more and take action when they see you change your path. This type of thinking can also be dangerous in a negative way. Once you realize that you can manifest your destiny with your own mind, you'll probably set out to attain some pretty lofty goals. Probably very lofty no matter what your current circumstances. You'll probably want to talk about them to people you know. This will inevitably show you the crabs in your bucket trying to hold you back, and fast! Their fish tanks are a certain size. They cannot possibly under any circumstances allow you to believe that your fish tank is bigger than they believe theirs is or that you can grow larger than they believe they can grow. They can't picture the vision you are seeing at all so you need to stop seeing it too, and now! Why are the crabs in your bucket so violent about you ceasing to see what they can't see? Because in the back of all of our minds we know how this is all working. If you can vision it and see it, you can make it happen. They must stop you because they aren't envisioning anything for themselves nearly as grand. The crabs can and will pull you back in that bucket if you let them, and every time. Don't let them!

Alright Phil! Get on to the secret! I know about haters!

The secret is simple. You must see it before you have it. It could be confidence. It could be who you become. It could be anything. It can be material. You must envision yourself with it first or you will never have it. You must see yourself as the person you want to become BEFORE you can become that person. You will never have anything unattainable in your life unless you see yourself with it first. It's that simple. Controlling that is whats terribly difficult. It's your mental state. So the real secret is to seek out information that will help you control your own mental state. Information that will help you get better at controlling it over long periods of time. Things you can do and skills you can learn by practicing as with everything else that will help you get better control. First you must know what you need to control. The first thing is your mind. This is all actually scientifically proven and actionable with tricks when it comes to our reticular formation. We all feel fear, pain and negative emotions. The idea that anybody is in a constant state of control of their own mental state is laughable at best. That is all pretend. Nobody is. At best people get great at controlling their mental state. You can't fake that. You must prepare in advance to have control over what you aren't prepared for yet. You do this by picturing what you want. You do this over and over again. You do this by attaining a positive mental attitude and more importantly learning how to keep one through good and bad. You do this consistently by knowing it isn't easy and that you are going to fail, get better and start over, a lot.

Recommended Author: Napolean Hill 

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